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Here for the New or Experienced

My mission is to be your Partner on the journey towards working smarter and becoming Impactful and Engaging Leaders and Teams.

Share your challenges and let's have a conversation!
Carmen Grigore
Organisation Design & Development. Team Coaching

Welcome to Become! I am Carmen, a lifelong learner and experienced  Consultant with a mission to become the partner of the middle managers & their teams. Together we can work smarter and increase our impact. Each conversation and project at a time.
Clients & Collaborations

Benedikt Benenati

Carmen joined me on a transformation Program we launched at global level to raise awareness and engage colleagues around new collaborative ways of working to drive business results. I was impressed by her drive and her ability to connect people around a shared vision. I enjoyed working with Carmen and you should definitely involve her if you are looking for someone who understands how individuals and teams can make a difference together.


Roxana Mocanu
Chief Game-Changer Officer, Noosfera

One of the many myths of leadership development is that personal growth is primarily a planned activity, so organizations should concentrate on helping people to set and pursue goals. The reality is somewhat different. Humans are growing and changing constantly. Evolution is unplanned, uncontrolled and emergent.  Goals and plans lead us to focus on doing and to marginalize the equally important, if not far more important, process of becoming. There is a sea between the questions What do you want to achieve? and Who do you want to become? Carmen will accompany you to map your journey, learn how to navigate and get safe to the next shore.

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